Winter 2023
For all of 2023, we are celebrating “The Power of Love,” a campaign to commemorate FLM Haiti’s 40th anniversary. We have special events, reunions, community programming, and prayer. With your generosity, it is FLM’s goal to raise $200,000 to support the ministry, care, and services we provide in Haiti.
Spring 2022
The Reverend Osse Paul is now the deputy executive director of Alliance d’ Action Chretienne, or AAC, FLM’s board in Haiti that manages missions and operations on the ground from the island nation. He replaces Evens Frejuste, who retired in the spring of 2022 after years of selfless service.
Summer 2021
FLM Boston is planning a virtual fund-raiser for Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021. It will take place from 7 to 8 p.m. The program will honor Maggie Hill, an early and longtime supporter of FLM who passed away in 2020. Pastor Katani Sumner, vice president of FLM Boston, said “It’s only natural to have the fund-raiser be a celebration of Mother Maggie and her commitment to FLM. She did so much for Haiti and we’re here because of our love for her.”
Spring 2021
“Hope on the Move” will be a virtual and live event this year. It takes place on Saturday, May 15, 2021. Join FLM Haiti at Pittsburgh’s Highland Park, the Memorial Grove shelter, where physical distancing protocols and safety measures will be observed, as participants walk, bike, or run, a distance of about 6,000 steps or close to 3 miles.
Fall 2020
Twenty years ago, on one of his first mission visits to Haiti, the Rev. Dr. Ronald Peters was awed by the country’s natural beauty. But the Christian teacher and pastor saw something else that also moved him. As he served with FLM Haiti, Peters saw selfless giving, and a people of incredible ingenuity, creativity, and determined resilience.
Fall 2019
To spread its message of HOPE—Healthcare, Opportunity, Partnership, and Education—for Haiti, FLM Haiti hosted its annual banquet and art sale on Oct. 26, 2019. The speaker was Bishop Lee Roy McDuffie. In 2019, he earned a Master of Arts in Religious Studies at Beulah Heights University and he serves in prison fellowship in Maryland. He is affili- ated with the International Alliance of Bishops and the Joint College of African American Bishops.
Summer 2019
Belle Center's long-term support has provided medical and education materials, and, more importantly, hope for the people who FLM services. "Many have been blessed through the church's display of kindness," says Sue Robinson, FLM board member.
Summer 2018
Mother Mildred Taylor is a spry 75 years old. She volunteers and travels on mission to Haiti. How does she prepare? “I wanted to keep up with everybody on the team so I worked out in the gym for 1½ years. My granddaughter told me I had to if I was going to go to Haiti.”
Spring 2018
Under a bright blue sky, there are more than a dozen men and women seated outdoors, facing a portable blackboard. The teacher sits in the front of the class. The students are mothers, fathers, grandparents and great-grandparents; their textbooks have the lessons of what a child would learn with. These men and women are a part of the nearly 40 percent of the Haitian population who cannot read or write. FLM Haiti is working to change that.
Fall 2017
FLM Haiti is making a measurable impact. Count this: • 125 local citizens received first aid training • 9 women learned sewing skills to help support their families • 500 people cared for with medical and dental treatments • 223 children received medical care at the school • 325 pairs of reading glasses dispensed • 14 school districts touched • 100 water filters distributed • 600 students received lessons in science and Bible studies, and meals • 15 local leaders taught business management practices.